Transport Accident Commission Victoria

Protect your entire body on every ride 30 MA15+

The Lucky Ones Get Caught 60' MA

Think you're a good driver? Wipe off 5

TAC Fatigue: You won't see it coming - 30 Seconds (PG)

There's no one someone won't miss - Man on the street - Towards Zero

Stop Kidding Yourself. If you drink, don’t drive. – 30 Second

Protect your entire body on every ride 30' PG

If you drive on drugs, you're out of your mind

Drink driving, it will haunt you

Protect your entire body on every ride 60' MA15+

Seatbelts. What’s stopping you?

Peter's story - Safety barrier crash experience

What risks do young drivers face on the roads?

Split Second Competition 2024

TAC Always On Enforcement - 15 Second Drink Drive (G)

Give the Space to Bike Riders

Getting back in the community, Yeksan’s story

Auto Emergency Braking - Simplified

Light Insights Trial (LiT) update.

Dear Driver

Peter's story

It's not just a bad look - Avoid distractions. Put the phone away before you drive. b

Night time driving - know the risks

TAC Always On Enforcement - 60 Second Generic (G)